Empowering a New Generation Time to change the world. No, really. Our world is in need of BIG TIME improvements.Without blaming each ourselves or each other for the bleakness of our world, it's time to start a serious dialogue about what we can do about it. We are parents. We are thought leaders, innovators and game changers. We are raising beautiful, savvy and intelligent children and we have the tools to guide them into the vanguard. Preparing our children to save the world This task is not as daunting as you think. By adhering to … [Read more...]
Teach Your Kids to Fly!
Harness the Power of Your Dreams to be a Better Parent!
Our dreams are our secret weapon. If we pay attention to our dreams, we’ll discover that these little nighttime dramas are opportunities for spiritual awakening and growth. As parents and entrepreneurs, our minds are quite busy both while we are awake as well as while we slumber. We might as well decipher every bit of our consciousness to find solutions to our biggest questions. Awaken to Inspired Action! Dreams initiate us into the highest capacity of imagination... and this mode of consciousness is available to us every night! With a … [Read more...]