Think Like an Entrepreneur and Improve Your Parenting Skills
Parenting with ease… sounds like a fantasy doesn’t it? The truth is— parenting is NOT so different than entrepreneurship. Becoming the boss of your own business and adopting leadership qualities can and will improve upon your parenting style.
Be Present in All Areas of Your Life!
How you show up as an entrepreneur lays the groundwork for how you show up as a parent. By following your dreams and ambitions, you are giving your kids permission to do the same. Plus, it gives your kids the opportunity to become critical thinkers and problem solvers simply by allowing them to watch your process.
On Today’s Show
I always learn so much from the amazing Jay Forte! He’ll be returning to the show today to speak on the following:
✔︎ What makes a successful entrepreneur is one who is tuned in, aware and watching their world for opportunities.
✔︎ How we become more aware is through the “Be Present Process” with 5 small words that change our view and outlook on work, life and parenting.
✔︎ How the “Be Present Process” helps us discover entrepreneurial opportunities to work at home.
✔︎ How the “Be Present Process” changes and improves how we show up as parents to our kids.
Today’s Guest

Welcome Back, Jay Forte!
Jay Forte is a business and motivational speaker, certified workplace, CEO/Life and Greatness Zone coach, author, and nationally ranked Thought Leader. As President and Founder of The Greatness Zone, he provides talent and strength-based tools to help people live extraordinary lives organizations achieve exceptional results.
He is the author of Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition and The Greatness Zone – Know Yourself, Find Your Fit, Transform the World. He is also the host of the weekly podcast The Greatness Zone – Finding Your Greatness Road in Life.
Jay is an adjunct professor at Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL and is the creator of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation course at the College, required of all freshmen business majors. He is the Henry Isaacson Entrepreneurial Challenge Advisor for the College. He is a highly sought-after motivational speaker who regularly speaks at SHRM conferences, community and workplace associations and at high schools and colleges.
When not helping companies attract, hire and retain A-level talent, or helping people learn to discover and live great and happy lives, he writes, gardens and cooks (as any good Italian) with his partner in Ft Lauderdale, FL. His three daughters are now out of the house, done with college and are living and working in their Greatness Zone.
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