Technology Wonders… or Woes?
What was once intended to improve and streamline our processes might now be bogging us down.
If you have found yourself challenged by the ever-changing rules of social media and trends that disrupt your once streamlined business– leaving gaps in your long term performance and endurance…. it might be time for a DIGITAL DETOX.
Upgrade Your Relationship with Technology
Now that EVERYONE has access to social media apps, websites and gadgets… it’s time to talk about better living THROUGH technology, and overcome our addictions. Is your digital activity serving you in a healthy and productive way?
Realign your Business Goals & Innovation
Past strategies that once brought you sufficient results may not be generating the same outcome, causing a few setbacks in your business, and a scratching of the head. A big part of being an entrepreneur is learning to adapt… and then re-adapt… to a disruptive digital landscape.
On Today’s show…
Returning to save us all from over-technology consumption is my dear friend, digital trend expert Tania Mulry. We will be having a MUCH needed conversation for those of us who have become too dependent on technology for the success of our business. Tanya has promised to share with us:
▪ How to re-set goals using technology supported actions
▪ How to get more productive by using digital tools efficiently
▪ How to purge the activities that are no longer serving you
▪ Why you should worry if technology is changing you
and more!
Welcome back, Tania!
Tania Mulry is an entrepreneur, award-winning marketer, USC Adjunct Professor, the president of AdPros LA and devoted mom of three.
She is the founder and CEO of DDx Media, Inc., a digital marketing agency in Los Angeles County. She is the Amazon best selling author of “The Cause: The Power of Digital Storytelling for Social Good.”
She is known for developing cutting edge digital and experiential marketing campaigns for an impressive roster of companies and professional sports teams like AT&T, JCPenney, GameStop, Brinkers (Chili’s), Nintendo, Nokia, RIM, LG, State Farm, Kimberly-Clark, Frito-Lay, the San Diego Chargers, the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Yankees, the San Francisco Giants, and the San Antonio Spurs. She also spent 10 years at MasterCard developing profitable information products and mobile payments innovations.
Tania lives in Northern Los Angeles County with a bunch of boys: her devoted and supportive husband Will, three young sons and her dog, Danny.
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