Exciting News! Thank you for letting your voice be heard! We love knowing that you still have a desire to keep our weekly radio show going... and we are happy to announce that we have found a way! After 7 years, This Little Parent Stayed Home is heading back to a studio where we'll be able to continue bringing you quality content, progressive conversations and support in Parenting, Business and Self-Development... and... we'll once again be able to take callers!(more details at a later time...) Unless you LET GO, you won't be able to MOVE … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2016
How to get others to support you… and your dreams.
We simply cannot EXIST without having others in our life...but it ain't always easy! Studies in Psychology have shown that your personal relationships are most important when it comes to increasing your resilience, contributing to your happiness and keeping you mentally healthy. Get yourself some good quality relationships We may not get to "choose" our siblings, in-laws or children, but when it comes to choosing our friends and lovers, we all have a tendency to get stuck in familiar patterns that both serve us... and ... derail … [Read more...]
Let’s get you across that finish line!
It's been an incredible couple of weeks... and I can't wait to share it with you!! I just returned from filming 14 episodes (in only 3 days!) of Wake Up- the second season of a progressive mainstream national television show, which will be airing soon across the country. (Below is a picture of me with my beautiful and brilliant co-hosts!) (left to right) Ally Loprete, Bernadette Slowey, Katie McKay and Michelle Rivera Never in a million years did I expect this... While I am super ambitious, I'd been frustrated for years because it felt … [Read more...]
Parenting your Millennial Adult-Child
Every generation thinks that they have it all figured out. Why then, are our twenty something kids struggling to become adults? It's easy to generalize an entire population by their collective Facebook statuses, but Millennials, often accused of being narcissistic and entitled do have to face some issues that previous generations did not. Rates of depression are soaring among Millennials Contrary to what you might hear the media say, the biggest problem with the era of instant gratification is not that they think too highly of themselves, … [Read more...]