Every generation thinks that they have it all figured out.
Why then, are our twenty something kids struggling to become adults?
It’s easy to generalize an entire population by their collective Facebook statuses, but Millennials, often accused of being narcissistic and entitled do have to face some issues that previous generations did not.
Rates of depression are soaring among Millennials
Contrary to what you might hear the media say, the biggest problem with the era of instant gratification is not that they think too highly of themselves, it’s that they struggle to think for themselves.
A college degree is now the career equivalent of what a high school degree used to be, so the pressure on kids has been increased and this has made the job-search process even more competitive in a sluggish economy.
Sorry, Moms and Dads. It’s kinda our fault…
We just wanted to protect our babies, and give them the greatest childhood society had expected from us. However, the overinvolvement of helicopter parents has prevented our young adult children from learning conflict negotiation, growing from personal life disappointments, and having a tolerance for frustration.
Everyone wants their life to have meaning…
Even those twenty-somethings who are still living in the basement of their parent’s homes… unemployed and seemingly unmotivated.
Cozy up with your Millennial Child and Listen in!
On Today’s Show…
…I’ll be interviewing the amazing Paul Angone, bestselling author, sought-after national keynote speaker, and one of the leading experts in the nation on the Millennial Generation!
We’ll be talking about:
❉ Tips and strategies for helping your adult kids to feel at home in their “groan up” pants.
❉ Statistics that will shock you about the challenges facing our Millennial children.
❉ Tips for effectively leading, engaging, and parenting Millennials …that they’ll NEVER tell you.
❉ Why 97% of Millennials suffer from “The New OCD – Obsessive Comparison Disorder. What is it, why it’s so harmful, and how you cure it.
❉ 3 common reasons college graduates are failing to launch into the real world, and what parents, leaders and Millennials can do to help cushion the crash.
Today’s Guest

Meet Paul Angone!
Paul Angone is the voice to, and for, the Millennial Generation. He is the author of the newly released All Groan Up: Searching For Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job! and 101 Secrets For Your Twenties, he’s a sought-after national keynote speaker for corporations and universities, and the creator of AllGroanUp.com, which has been read by millions of people in 190 countries.
Paul has proven time and time again that he knows how to create sticky, highly shareable content for the 90 million+ that make up the Millennial Generation with articles like 21 Secrets For Your 20s and 25 Signs You’re Having a Quarter-Life Crisis spreading like internet wildfire.
Paul has spoken to over 15,000 millennials nationwide and he has master’s degree in Organizational Leadership where he focused his research on emerging adulthood and the Millennial generation. He helps people find their “Signature Sauce” where their passion, purpose and career collide through his online course. Learn More—>
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