You’ve gotten a lot of advice on how to balance it all…
… and if you’ve been a parent for more than a few years, you could probably write your own book about how to juggle family, career, marital relationships and personal fulfillment. Blah – blah – blah.
Is there room for improvement?
The most valuable advice that I have received was to always stay 2 steps ahead of everyone and everything. Quite frankly, that seemed like the most impossible task when I was a newbie mommy, but that one little recommendation has saved me more times in the last 9 years than I can count.
First time falls are USEFUL.
Instead of asking, “What did I do to attract this problem?” perhaps a more appropriate question is “What solution am I attracting?” Challenges give you the upper hand in learning how to balance and problem solve better THE NEXT TIME.
Let that fly in the ointment be your friend and guide.
Every experience is an opportunity for professional and personal growth. You can play small and avoid mess, but GOING THROUGH a predicament offers greater rewards.
Identify the stumbling blocks from past experiences and use them to problem solve.
▪ If you know from experience that your child will throw a tantrum when being asked to leave a play-date, think ahead by distracting with a game. Or if she’s older, involve her in the choice to behave: “We can go to the park but only if you can promise me that you will come without a fit when its time to leave.”
▪ If you are usually slammed with unexpected tasks on Monday morning, prepare your weekly date book on Sunday evenings and begin booking all appointments at least 1 week out.
▪ Keep your house, car and pocketbook stocked with life’s little emergencies: medical supplies, change of clothes, non-perishable snacks and water, batteries, etc.
The effort it takes to stay prepared will ultimately be less than the constant need to tackle those tests on your sanity.
On Today’s show…
We’ll be giving you fresh and fantastic tips and tricks to stay ahead of of the curve and prepared for end-of-year academic testing, as well as how to scale back the BUSY-ness of your career just in time for summer vacation. Two amazing guests join the hour!
Jennifer Allwood, queen of the creative entrepreneur and busy mom mogul, will share with us how to balance a full load of busy blissfulness, working at home when the kids are out of school for summer, and the secret to building an impressive social media following!
Returning once again is the wonderful and wise Amy McCready, my favorite parenting expert from Positive Parenting Solutions, to talk to us about how to get our kids (and us!) mentally and physically prepared for successful end of year academic testing.
Today’s Guests
Meet Jennifer Allwood!
Jennifer Allwood has been the owner of The Magic Brush, Inc. in the Kansas City Northland for 15 years specializing in faux finishing, children’s rooms, furniture rehabbing, garage door fauxing and cabinet painting. Jennifer is a blogger, a writer, a public speaker and is committed to helping homeowners transform their homes into a space they love. Jennifer’s casual, girl-next-door decorating style has brought her a social media following of over 120,000 people and an online business academy for creative entrepreneurs. Jennifer is blessed to be the wife of Jason and the mother to her three biological children, Noah, Easton, and Ava.

Welcome back, Amy McCready!
Amy McCready is a parenting educator and founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, which provides online parenting education to parents of toddlers to teens. She’s working with Gorton’s to help parents determine the Best Brain Food for Your Kids. Whether it’s helping your kids prepare for end of grade testing of just perform their best day-to-day, one thing that parents can control and use to their child’s advantage is serving food that benefits brain function. Studies have shown that the right combination of foods with the nutrients that matter most can help a child’s brain develop and function at a higher level. They are more focused. More engaged. More alert.
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