Our dreams are our secret weapon.
If we pay attention to our dreams, we’ll discover that these little nighttime dramas are opportunities for spiritual awakening and growth. As parents and entrepreneurs, our minds are quite busy both while we are awake as well as while we slumber. We might as well decipher every bit of our consciousness to find solutions to our biggest questions.
Awaken to Inspired Action!
Dreams initiate us into the highest capacity of imagination… and this mode of consciousness is available to us every night! With a little bit of faith and curiosity, we can unlock the mysteries that permeate our nighttime dream narratives and help make our waking dreams come true!
On Today’s Show
Join us for a Dreamy Fun Time!
Please welcome the lovely and amazing Kelly Walden Sullivan, America’s premiere dream expert! Most dream experts are scholarly, academic, orthodox, erudite Jungians, feather wafting Shamans, or a tree-hugging-card-carrying members of the land of “woo woo”. Kelly is ALL of those things and none of them. Her eclectic style of dream interpretation comes from nearly five decades of her own personal dream research and experience and twenty years as a certified clinical hypnotherapist.
Kelly takes fun very seriously and feels that laughter is the evidence of a soulful life. Therefore, she insists on blending play with the depth of dream/soul work!
Today Kelly will be sharing with us:
❀ How your dreams can help you to be a better parent
❀ How to handle your children’s nightmares
❀ How parents can dreamshare with their kids
❀ How to translate the strange dreams we have about our kids.
❀ How to use dream work as a tool while you are awake
Plus: Tune in for a special dreamy gift just for the listeners!
Today’s Guest
Welcome, Kelly Sullivan Walden!
Kelly Sullivan Walden is on a mission to awaken the world to the power of dreams. Known as America’s premiere dream expert, she is the #1 bestselling author of I Had the Strangest Dream and It’s All In Your Dreams, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Dreams and Premonitions, and the newly released Love, Sex, and Relationship Dream Dictionary. She is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training. Kelly been described as the lovechild of Carl Jung and Lucille Ball and has reached millions of people with her inspiring message on national talk shows such as Doctor Oz, Ricki Lake, The Real, Bethenny, Huffington Post Live, Coast to Coast, Playboy Radio, Jenny McCarthey Radio, and FOX news. Every Friday she hosts the Dreams Unzipped radio show on 1150 KKNW. Learn more about Kelly—>
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