Intuitive Leaders see the world as it COULD be.
Parents have super powers. You can’t deny that you tapped into something other-worldly upon entering into your role as a Mom or Dad. The transformation into parenthood allowed you to expand on a deep rooted intuition and the ability to make quick decisions without the interference of rational thought.
This is no accident.
As a caretaker, you have the super-ability to see the cracks through which the light gets in, predict and prepare for “accidents waiting to happen,” concoct emergency contraptions creatively with just a few random objects in a diaper bag, and improve upon the lives of your families and communities with a natural ability to PIONEER.
Parents instinctually look upon the world with fresh eyes filled with possibility, just like the children they are caring for.
No wonder parents make excellent business leaders!
In between the juggling and balancing act of family, career and self-care, parents have the innate ability to take things out of their original context and connect the dots to form revolutionary ideas and innovations. All those solutions that you come up with on a daily basis, the way you manage multiple schedules and carpools, and handle the unexpected?– THAT is true innovation.
Parents are natural interdisciplinary thinkers.
Like great entrepreneurs and inventors, parents are conduits for growth. Whether you are spiritual or not, your intuition is derived from many of the same spiritual resources that spark meaningful conversations and problem solving experiences.
Parents and Innovators have VISION.
To create and problem solve on a daily basis the way most parents do… you must believe in what you cannot see, hear, feel, touch or smell. In other words, FAITH. An idea that you cannot experience through one of your 5 senses… but is still worth fighting for because of YOUR BELIEF IN IT.
On Today’s Show…
…we’ll be talking about how to tap into your natural intuition to reveal answers to your most pressing questions.
Join me in welcoming my dear friend Alex Laws, an intuition expert who will share with us how to use our intuition as a resource guide in parenting and entrepreneurship.
Today’s Guest
Meet Alex Laws!
A passionate and successful business leader who has lived his entire life being open to intuitive messages, Alex Law’s work spans over several decades and has proven that we can bridge the gap between the realities of business and the balance of life. Alex is a keynote speaker and teacher on the power of intuition. He is an intuitive expert to top leaders and is now available to the public.
Utilizing his skills, Alex teaches others to use and trust their own natural ability to listen and look inside for the answers often questioned on the outside. From inspiring others or assisting in finding the equation for one’s current life, Alex believes anyone can do what he does with a little work.
Alex found athletics kept him listening and trusting over the last 25 years. He has run and finished over 40 marathons, 16 Ironman triathlons, and is a 3 time top finisher of the Ultra-man Hawaii. The years of training and racing allowed for a lot of time to listen inside and develop the style one needs to start their individual practice. Learn more about Alex–>
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