You’ve succeeded. Now what?
There are stories of climbers who have prepared their entire lives to reach the top of Mount Everest, only to climb down into the darkest depression of their lives. Regardless of the victory, post-goal coping can be tough.
This weekend I experienced some post-success blues of my own. Closing an incredible 6 week run of my lifelong dream stage production of JCS has unexpectedly brought me from BLISS to BLAH.
Once the exhilaration of crossing that finish line has been experienced, everything else just feels mediocre in comparison. The REAL challenge isn’t always REACHING the peak… it’s dealing with the post-peak gloom.
Depression and the Super-Successful
It may be hard to empathize with a wealthy and successful depressed person, but it’s definitely worth trying to understand…especially if wealthy and successful is where YOU intend to be. Some of the most successful people in history have suffered from relentless and incapacitating emotional lows. No one– no matter how abundantly or simply one lives– is immune to post-success depression.
The REAL fear of Success
There are many reasons that we may fear success: Fear of growing bigger than you are capable of handling, fear of unfamiliar territory, fear of fame… but I think one of the biggest fears (that we have yet to talk about) is the fear that once that finish line is crossed, there isn’t much more to strive for. The journey is over. The end. (sob!!)
Innovation is INFINITE
While the “post-production” blues is a very real part of the experience of success, it doesn’t have to mean your peak will now plummet. Life is a roller coaster — filled with ups, downs and the raising the bar higher each time. There is an important period of reflection and looking back to take pride in what we did well. The truth is we CANNOT PREDICT what lies ahead. There are boundless excursions waiting to be experienced, never-ending future friendships to be made and interminable unborn ideas to put into action… all which promise to bring us the exhilaration of a NEW RIDE.
On Today’s Show…
It’s a great time to welcome back our resident astrologer, Heidi Rose Robbins, who ALWAYS finds the most insightful and effective ways to prepare us for an optimistic future. Also joining me in the studio is someone I have just recently had the great pleasure of getting to know. A wonderfully positive and profound woman in business, Shannon Miller is a life & business coach with a focus on online business and life transitions. She will be joining us today to share ways to generate extra income using Ebay.
Today’s Guest

Meet Shannon Miller!
Shannon Simone Miller has been featured in Newsweek Magazine as well as in several books related to Ebay including How to Do Everything with Ebay, and Degunking Ebay . Shannon is a founding partner of and her company has been featured in the New York Times, San Francisco Guardian and Forbes Online. She teaches S.T.E.M programs with Girls In Tech Los Angeles for The Girl Scouts of America. She is on the board of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics and she is committed to the Institutes philosophy of the promotion of a culture of peace and its foundational values of equality, justice, love, compassion, and mutual respect. The Institute is currently rolling out the “Life Choices” program to Los Angeles School children to teach students how to deal with life issues in an effective way by harnessing the power of the dramatic arts. Shannon has rang a church bell in Bethlehem, jumped out of a plane , flown in a hot air balloon and got spit on by a camel in Jordan and that is just for starters. She is a third generation Los Angeles native that loves the city of Los Angeles.
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