Join us for a very special live broadcast…
It’s been four weeks since the last time I aired a live show for you. In seven years, I’ve never taken this long of a hiatus. The truth is… I needed some time to get help with the depression that I’ve been battling.
Hows that for honesty?
Since I “came out” as someone who has been battling depression, the private messages have been pouring in from others who have either been silently suffering with this illness or have watched a love one suffer. Many didn’t realize depression was an actual illness that requires medical attention until they read the description of my experience.
More people are affected than you may realize.
You won’t want to miss today’s discussion if the conversations you have with yourself sound anything like mine did:
“You can’t be depressed, you have a wonderful life.”
“Depression is for those who are not as strong willed as you are. It’s for the weak. You are too aware and SMART to be depressed.”
“You have nothing to be depressed about, so cheer up… do some affirmations, listen to some self development audios and get a grip.”
“You can’t be depressed. Your children need you to be happy …FOR THEM.”
If you or someone you know is suffering from this mental illness…
I PROMISE YOU… today’s show will not be …DEPRESSING (pun intended)!
On Today’s Show…
I will be discussing the following:
❀ My own personal battle with depression … and how my life was just recently saved.
❀ The difference between sadness and depression and why you cannot manage them the same way.
❀ What depression feels like and how to recognize if you or someone you love has been struck with this illness.
❀ How to forgive and acknowledge depression…whether it belongs to you or a loved one.
❀ How to deal with it, not be afraid of it, and get THE RIGHT KIND OF help (even when nothing seems to be working).
❀ How to know when medical intervention is necessary and why taking anti-depressants DOES NOT make a person weak.
I will be joined by a very special friend for the hour.
Lisa Lamont has been teaching “Mirror Love” to thousands of women through a group she founded called Prancing Kittens. She has been a wonderful friend to me and so many others during some of the darkest times. Lisa will be joining us today to (mostly to hold MY hand) but also to give us deeply guided discussion on self love.

Welcome Lisa Lamont!
Lisa Lamont is a Life and Business Intuitive Advisor, Author, speaker, and Radio Host of Ladies Get Your Prance On. She shares her intuitive abilities to bring clarity, comfort, and direction to countless people for over 35+ years. She was handpicked by a famous “Psychic” who gifted her an exclusive set of cards that have been passed down through the generations and mentored her on how to utilize the cards along with my intuitive gifts.
For over 12 years Lisa has used the power of hypnosis to help hundred’s of people make positive changes in their lives immediately! Lisa’s non-traditional method has clients seeking her advice with her unique tools to set them on the right path.
Today Lisa works with clients globally in privately one-on-one readings and helps them to push through their personal and professional roadblocks so that their dreams both personally and professional can come to fruition.
She teaches ‘Mirror Love’ to women around the world to shift their beliefs. Her insight and compassion create an atmosphere of authenticity. Learn more—>
[…] one I got after last week’s episode. I shared a very candid experience with you about my personal struggle with depression, how acknowledging my illness was a part of my recovery (as well as my forgiveness of it) and how I […]