Preserve Your Sanity.
As parents, you don’t get to have an OFF day. You don’t get to be sick, or sad, or lazy or confused. You don’t get to make mistakes. Or have blinding migraine headaches. You had plenty of time to have untimely medical conditions, fainting spells, or emotional freak outs BEFORE you CHOSE to bring a child into this world. You probably shouldn’t have any mood altering medications, mid-day cocktails or “medicinal” escapes as you need to be 100% responsible for little people who are now depending on you FOR EVERYTHING. Godforbid you screw up because the world will be watching, iPhone recording, judging you VIRALLY and branding you as an UN-FIT parent.
Ridiculous? Or …Reality?
You’ve probably seen the videos. A pregnant mother with 4 kids drives her family into an ocean. A young mother on a bus can’t focus her eyes or keep from falling over without the help of her young daughter…probably a good-for-nothing-junkie comments say. Someone should take her child away from her, but first, let’s hit the record button on our iPhone…never mind using it to call for help.
Want a better world than this for your children? It starts with US.
Let us vow together: When we see a struggling Mother or Father in an unfortunate situation, let us CHOOSE to set aside our judgements and assess HOW we may be of service. LET US have empathy.
We live in a world with very high expectations of us as parents, and one that can (and will) easily monitor and record us at our worst for their own personal enjoyment and self-superiority. I’ve worked with thousands of parents who are right on the edge, and I’ve been there myself. So how can we sit back and mock those who have gone off the deep end? Is it so easy to judge? Is it what we do to feel avoid improving upon ourselves?
If you really are BETTER than that, use your SANITY for good.
You have a responsibility to do your best as a parent… but how about our basic human duty to show thoughtfulness and compassion to our own kind? Parents, we NEED EACH OTHER.
Today’s show will cover 2 topics:
~How to keep our sanity in managing hectic schedules, home businesses and frenetic families with expert Cena Block, Mompreneur, expert and business owner of SANE SPACES, a valuable resource for career parents on the edge.
~How to get over our judgement of others and turn those passions into something more constructive for the world. (I feel a rant coming on!)
Tell us what you think!
Join the Discussion on Facebook about this disturbing video—> There are already a lot of opinions. We want yours as well.
Our Guest
Cena Block
Cena Block is on a mission to save mompreneurs from ‘Solo-biz Super-Hero Syndrome…’ giving everything they have to everyone else and leaving themselves last on the list. Cena helps moms with no time and too many tasks on their plate escape overwhelm, put themselves first, and get back in the driver’s seat of their business and their lives.
Cena firmly believes that great moms will change the world, first by centering on what being an amazing mom means to them, and then by prioritizing their brilliance-based business activities, while creating sanity systems and a stellar team to support everything else.
Through private coaching and her signature training, moms in the early years of business learn to use strategies and tools to create their life-centered business in place of a frenetic, business-centered life.
Clients have praised Cena for helping them get organized to multiply their income, implement time-saving systems, hire the right help, and create the incredible business and personal results they once thought were impossible.
Formerly a corporate consultant and human performance expert, Cena is intimately aware of what it takes to systematize, automate and get the support you need to manage mompreneur mayhem, and still work your Mom Biz Mojo.
You’ll get the results you want because you’ll stop doing what doesn’t work, and focus on what matters most.
Go here to experience Cena’s first step: The 9 Essential Strategies for Mom’s Business Success
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