Time Management……is a whole ‘nother science for moms—especially those who are also homeschooling or building a career at home. It often seems that our to-do list is never ending. Ask any work-at-home mom and she’ll tell you that the most difficult challenge faced as we transitioned from our corporate jobs into self-employment was learning to manage our time effectively and efficiently. Stop trying to fit your life into someone else’s calendar.Contrary to what some time management experts will tell you, we DO NOT all have the same amount of hours in a 24 hour day. While all moms struggle with managing their time to adapt to the demands of personal, family and professional priorities simultaneously, moms who run their own businesses have even more to squeeze into the same 24 hours per day. If anything, mompreneurs have learned to defy the laws of time, bringing the rest of small business to its knees. A new perspective of time.We were drawn into self-employment because we sought the ultimate flexibility without the guilt and hierarchical corporate career pressure to perform at all costs. Having more time, however, the very thing that attracted us to this lifestyle— when not managed wisely—often results in our biggest frustrations. In addition to buying into unrealistic expectations, most moms take on too much which results in less time to spend on things they value most. Pair that with high expectations, conflicting priorities, juggling hundreds of tasks and projects…and… —wait— why did we decide to come home again?! Time Management… from the INSIDE- OUT.Your daily productivity determines your success. The sooner you learn to use your time well, the sooner you will achieve success. In the corporate world we were paid for our time, but in our entrepreneur world we are paid for PRODUCTIVITY. Once we adjust our mindset to this intention, a few time management tricks will make all the difference! _______________________________________ On Today’s show…We’re going to give you an early holiday gift… MORE TIME to enjoy the important things in your life! Time Management Expert, Nicole Bandes joins us to get us prepped and ready for the busiest time of year for moms and small business owners. |
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About Our Guest |
Meet Nicole Bandes!Nicole Bandes is a time management expert, coach, author, speaker and podcaster at Behind Super Woman’s Cape. The ever typical mom entrepreneur, Nicole struggled to find a health balance between growing her business, raising two boys, being a wife and taking care of her own health. After much searching, Nicole was able to find the missing link in most time management programs and decided to put her new found solutions and her degree in Psychology into practice and began teaching time management in 2010. However, Nicole’s life changed forever and she became truly passionate about helping women entrepreneurs find more time for their “WHY” when she lost her bonus son in a car crash in 2013. It was then that she truly understood the need to have no regrets about how we spend our time. Learn more about The Time Management Expert… |
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